Customer Testimonials

"Northeast Electrical Solutions LLC has done my electrical work for years. They’re the only one I rely on in Upstate NY."


"Our company went through several electricians before we found Northeast Electrical Solutions LLC. Now, we can finally stop looking for a company that always responds quickly, sends experienced professionals and can handle any problem, including servicing our generator."


"We are delighted to have worked with Northeast Electrical Solutions LLC. They fitted all of the installations in our new hotel on time, on budget and in line with the latest health and safety regulation."


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  • Kathy Hoy (Tuesday, June 13 23 05:00 pm EDT)

    Chris did a fantastic job upgrading our electrical service. Great communication. Very reliable. Came when he said he would. Took care of all the logistics with National Grid. Would highly recommend.

  • David Dibelius (Monday, April 03 23 11:56 am EDT)

    Chris installed an electric vehicle charger in my garage. He was prompt, friendly and professional. Since I do some electrical work myself I can attest to the quality of his work. He upgraded some of the materials he used above what was in his estimate and didn't charge extra. The installation looks great, I would use him again for any electrical project.

  • Rebecca S. (Saturday, March 14 15 08:21 am EDT)

    Prompt professional service that doesn't break the bank!

  • Mark Keefe (Saturday, March 14 15 08:19 am EDT)

    Thorough, professional and timely. We couldn't be more pleased with the work and the price. Would recommend them to anyone!

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